Nutraville Helix-4™ Discount – 30% Off!

$69.95 $49.95

confettiSpecial Promo June 28 – July 1

Helix-4 seeks to support your weight loss journey in multiple ways, formulated by Eric Kelley.

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What is Helix-4?

Created by Eric Kelley, Helix-4 is a non-GMO weight loss supplement made from natural ingredients. It helps stimulate loss of fat without any major side effects. Simply take two capsules a day.

How Does Helix-4 Work?

Helix-4 supports your weight loss journey in multiple ways. The supplement’s ingredients work hard to promote the following potential benefits:

  • Support metabolism
  • Block fat from food from attaching to your body
  • Prevent cravings so you feel full longer
  • Boost serotonin for mood and to suppress appetite
  • Switch off genes that cause the formation of new fat cells
  • Reduce stress for a more balanced life free from stress eating and reliance on comfort foods

Unlike other weight loss aids in the market, Helix-4 doesn’t rely on thermogenics. Why? Because thermogenics act as stimulants for the body. Instead of getting your heart racing, Helix-4 approaches losing extra fat in a way that attempts to keep your life and body in better balance without over-stimulating you and making it hard for you to relax, focus, or sleep.

What Ingredients Are in Helix-4?

The 100% natural, non-GMO ingredients in Helix-4 are plant-based.

The main ingredient is asthisamharaka. A plant in the grape family, asthisamharaka is known for its medicinal properties and contains calcium, magnesium, and resveratrol (an antioxidant). It’s a powerful plant with properties capable of supporting metabolism, killing cravings, and getting the body to produce more serotonin. This one plant helps manage a number of factors that influence weight loss.

Other ingredients in this supplement include:

  • Ashwagandha
  • Lemon balm
  • Passion flower

These three additional ingredients have been shown to reduce stress and restlessness, improve focus and memory, lower anxiety levels, and promote quality sleep. So, not only does Helix-4 strive to help you physically, but it also has the potential benefits of helping you mentally so you can live your best life.

Money Back Guarantee

There are so many weight loss supplements out there, that it can be difficult to know which one is for you. With Nutraville’s one year money back guarantee, you don’t have to worry about losing money if the product isn’t for you. You’re free to try the supplement and receive a full refund if the results aren’t satisfactory.

Helix-4 Discount

The regular price of Helix-4™ by Eric Kelley is $69.95 on, but today you can have it for just $49.95. Claim your discount while it’s still available! (Last updated on )

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