Cardio Shield Discount – 40% Off!

$99.00 $59.00

confettiSpecial Promo Sept 16th – Sept 19th

Cardio Shield is a dietary supplement designed to support cardiovascular health using nattokinase and herbal extracts.

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Cardio Shield Overview

Cardio Shield is a dietary supplement designed to support cardiovascular health and blood pressure management. Developed by Jerry Williams following a personal health crisis, this product aims to address what its creators believe to be underlying factors contributing to high blood pressure. This guide will explore the supplement’s key ingredients, the story behind its creation, and the scientific concepts it’s based on.

The Origin

During a trip to Japan, Jerry Williams encountered Dr. Kenzo, a traditional healer who introduced him to natto, a fermented soybean dish. This encounter sparked Williams’ interest in alternative approaches to blood pressure management.

Key Ingredients and Their Purported Benefits

  • Nattokinase – Derived from natto, nattokinase is an enzyme that plays a central role in Cardio Shield’s formula. Proponents suggest it may help reduce fibrin in the blood, potentially addressing what the product’s creators term “over clotting” in arteries.
  • Vitamin K2 – This vitamin is included based on the belief that it may help redistribute calcium from arteries to bones and teeth, potentially reducing arterial plaque buildup.
  • Green Tea Extract – Known for its antioxidant properties, green tea extract is incorporated to potentially support overall cardiovascular health.
  • Hibiscus – This flower extract is included for its potential to support healthy blood pressure levels.
  • Hawthorn – A herb traditionally used in various cultures for heart health, hawthorn is another key component of the Cardio Shield formula.
  • Garlic Extract – Garlic has been studied for its potential cardiovascular benefits and is included in the supplement’s blend.

The 7 Second Blood Pressure Fix

The phrase “7 second blood pressure fix” is used in the product’s marketing to describe the ease of taking the supplement. It’s important to note that this is a marketing term and does not imply immediate results.

Three-Step Approach

The product’s strategy involves:

  1. Supporting healthy blood flow
  2. Promoting arterial health
  3. Supporting overall cardiovascular function

It’s crucial to understand that while these goals are based on certain scientific concepts, individual results may vary, and the product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Usage and Recommendations

According to the product information, the recommended dosage is one capsule twice daily. As with any supplement, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning use, especially for individuals with pre-existing health conditions or those taking medications.

Potential Considerations

While the ingredients in Cardio Shield have been studied individually for their potential health benefits, it’s important to approach any dietary supplement with a balanced perspective. The effects can vary from person to person, and supplements should not be considered a replacement for a healthy lifestyle or prescribed medications.


Cardio Shield represents one approach to supporting cardiovascular health, based on a blend of traditional practices and modern nutritional science. While its ingredients have been studied for their potential benefits, it’s essential to approach any supplement with informed caution.

Remember that maintaining cardiovascular health is a multifaceted endeavor. A balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and routine medical check-ups all play crucial roles in supporting heart health and managing blood pressure.

Ultimately, the journey to optimal cardiovascular health is a personal one, requiring informed decisions and ongoing care. Whether Cardio Shield becomes part of that journey is a decision best made in consultation with health professionals and based on a comprehensive understanding of your individual health needs and goals.

Cardio Shield Discount

The regular price of Cardio Shield™ by Dr. Kenzo is $99.00 on, but today you can have it for just $59.00. Claim your discount while it’s still available! (Last updated on )

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